Artist Highlight Edward Hopper


Edward Hopper is a painter from the late 19th century to the early 20th century his paintings were usually what people would call gloomy paintings. His most famous painting is Nighthawks which depicts 4 people in a bar at night in New York. The painting has gained so much fame has to be paired by a multitude of people from Advertisement to Movies and TV. In his work he has always had some element automatthat makes his work very enticing. There’s something that’s ever charming about the subjects he chooses to paint. Most of his subjects were someone being alone at night in a  public space such as diners, rest stops, and gas stations . He chooses these places because he felt that they were places where it would be easier to get rid of your worries than at home. His paintings always give me a sense of loneliness. In most of his paintings he depicts figures or characters that are sitting down or resting by themselves or with one significant other but even thou sometimes they may be surrounded by other people they seem very far apart. I personally love his art. His painting give me a feeling of comfort in myself. When i was young my father was in
the military. So I never really stayed in the same place for too long. I never held on to friends as a result I became more of a introvert. So I feel like I can understand what the characters in the painting are feeling like.

Ref. Dr. Hannah Doxburgh PHD head of Art and


Where have you been Loaded!!!????

Hey! It’s been a Wheile hasent it20150601_123133

What have I been up to. Hmmmm……. well shortly before my Artist statement blog went t up i broke and dislocated my ankle. I went to the hospital and they put me in a case for a couple of months. During which i just couldn’t really find the time or the motivation 20150430_132404to draw while my leg and foot was in such pain. I also  couldn’t walk up stairs where my drawing tables was. Two whole months went by and I could do anything but take drugs and sulk. which made me start to feel frustrated because I would always complain about never having an enough time to draw and here comes a two month period to do so and I cant come up with anything. Or when I did come up with somthing it just didnt look good in my eyes. But now I’m out of the cast and wherein a walking boot. 20150601_130211So now I can walking and have at least some mobility. Im back to drawing and working hard. So that why i went off the face of the earth. But hey im back now and two new projects are on there way one of them might be a bit special. Thanks guys see y’all soon.

Artist statement

Take another look, did you see it? Or did it go right by? Get close ,closer ,even closer be sure to see the detail to look for the marks of expression. That’s

how I want my art to be experienced. By forcing people to take another look, and dive deeper into something is to engage the viewer on a level that is sometimes found only within their personal relationships. It is at that moment when the me and the viewers of my are closer than ever. Even though they may have never met me heard of me or have seen me but by taking another look and diving deeper. I feel like they will understand me. I treat every piece that I present to the public is almost as a puzzle. A puzzle of social interaction one that on the surface might look very simple but when you dive deeper it will slowly start to show its complexity.

I draw from the real from real figures to real animals and preferably with graphite drawing from the real automatically gives you an easy gateway to someone’s understanding. Using graphite also gives easy understanding of how the content is made and with this viewers of my art can look at it in quickly see the  challenged the art on presents. that’s what will draw them in that’s what will get them through the door to have them take a look.